The Laura Cardinal Project

J. Carson Black @

Good Morning, Homies!

Thank you for following along with me as I figure out this novella. So I thought I’d give this thing a name: The Laura Cardinal Project.

To catch you up, I came up with a novella, and I loved it so much I started writing it. Then tragedy struck, and I realized I couldn’t use the main character Cyril Landry. Fortunately, I have a deep bench, and the tough but gracious DPS homicide detective Laura Cardinal agreed to help out.

I woke up yesterday morning with an idea. How about a woman who shows up on Laura’s doorstep with a strange request: “I want you to investigate my murder.”

This is the jumping-off place for my story, and I want you to follow along with my process. You might even be moved to write your own story with your own characters (and a premise like this one.) Who knows?

What I came up with when my eyes popped open yesterday morning was intriguing and had a chance to go several ways. I’m sure you can think of some of them. Someone asking Laura to investigate her death AFTER THE FACT is pretty cool. It’s also what we in the trade call “The Inciting Incident.”

So if you’re at a party, you can throw that one around. “That was one heckuva inciting incident you had there,” or something like that.

I honestly don’t know how far we can take this in public…


Let’s find out!